
“Serious” case record problem following ABDO summer examination

The GOC has been contacted regarding a case record issue involving around 130 Association of British Dispensing Optician College students


The Association of British Dispensing Opticians (ABDO) has confirmed that a “full and thorough” investigation is taking place following a case record issue that involves around 130 students.

An ABDO spokesperson stated that a “serious problem” has been discovered concerning a case record submitted by students for the 2018 summer examination. No further information about the nature of the issue or the total number of students who sat the examination was available at the time of publication.

The students concerned were contacted on Monday (6 August) and informed of the situation.

ABDO highlighted that the General Optical Council (GOC) was informed “immediately” after the problem was discovered, while the ABDO College Trustees and Board were also made aware of the issue.

“A full and thorough investigation is under way and no further statements will be issued until these are completed,” an ABDO spokesperson concluded.

In response to a request for comment, a GOC spokesperson confirmed that the optical regulator has been briefed on the issue and is considering it in line with its usual processes. 
