
Expanded SCLOSS course declared a success

Growing education event in Scotland attracts more practitioners in 2015

Expanded SCLOSS course declared a success

The Scottish Contact Lens and Ocular Surface Society (SCLOSS) has declared its expanded one-day event this year a success, as it attracted over 225 delegates, up from 200 in 2014.

The event was held on Sunday (29 November) at Glasgow's Radisson Blu Hotel and offered 45 CET points from lectures, workshops and peer reviews. It also featured the Scottish Optical Exhibition which ran parallel with the education event and featured 48 exhibitors.

Course organiser, Dr Scott Mackie, and course chairman, Caroline Christie, told OT: "The addition of a pre-reg optometrist, dispensing optician and support staff tracks was a huge success, in addition to the optometrist, independent prescribing tracks and the contact lens update track for optometrists and contact lens opticians.”

As part of this year’s conference, SCLOSS added a free e-library, as well as buy and sell equipment facilities on its website.
