
Improving representation in the Hospital Optometrists Committee

Changes to the AOP’s Hospital Optometrists Committee election process

The Board of the Association of Optometrists (AOP) has approved changes to the byelaw (Section 34) relating to the election process of the Hospital Optometrists Committee (HOC).

The change introduces an electronic voting process for eligible members seeking to join the Committee, replacing the previous in-person voting system which occurred at the AOP’s former event, the Hospital Optometrists Annual Conference (HOAC).

AOP members who hold appointments as full-time or part-time hospital optometrist employees of a Health Authority, Health Board, NHS Trust or optometrists undertaking similar roles at alternative NHS providers will be eligible to stand as candidates for the HOC election in Spring 2025.

The terms of three Committee members, Deirdre Burns, Vijay Anand and Alison Weston, have been extended. These Committee positions will be up for election next year.

Paul Alexander, AOP Policy and Governance Manger, said: “The changes to the HOC byelaw aim to improve representation across the HOC, as the previous requirements restricted Committee membership to those practitioners who work in a traditional NHS setting. The in-person voting process at the HOAC also served to limit voting rights to attendees present at the conference.

“The update to the byelaw which governs the HOC selection and election arrangements will help to reflect the increasing proportion of AOP members working for independent sector providers, who are delivering care that is equivalent to that provided by traditional hospital optometrists. This byelaw change also brings the HOC in line with other AOP Committees which elect positions through an electronic voting system annually in the Spring.

“This interim amendment is part of a wider review process on the AOP’s byelaws which is currently being undertaken – we want to be sure that our byelaws are fit for the future and develop alongside the profession.”

For further information, members can contact the AOP Policy team: [email protected].