
Optometrists encouraged to complete GOC survey

The optical regulator has launched its 2022 Registrant Workforce and Perceptions survey


A General Optical Council (GOC) survey launched this week will explore the challenges and opportunities facing optometrists in their job and career path.

The optical regulator is encouraging registrants to take part in the online survey, which takes around 10 minutes to complete. Survey respondents are entered into a prize draw for a £100 online gift card.

The findings from the survey will be gathered in a report that is shared with registrants and professional representative bodies.

The survey delves into job satisfaction levels, future career plans and challenges that optometrists and dispensing opticians may face in daily clinical practice.

It is also an opportunity for optometrists and dispensing opticians to provide feedback on how well the GOC is performing as a regulator.

Enventure Research has been appointed by the GOC to undertake the questionnaire and analysis.

Around 5000 registrants completed last year’s survey, which provided a snapshot of the optical workforce during the pandemic.

Within the group of 5000 practitioners surveyed, 56% of respondents were optometrists, 25% were dispensing opticians, and 21% were either a student optometrist or student dispensing optician.

Responding to questions on the impact of the pandemic, 26% of those surveyed said that the pandemic had a “significant” impact on their mental health and wellbeing while a further 52% said that the outbreak of COVID-19 had had “some” impact.
