
LOCSU launches new brand at NOC

A new “contemporary, professional and credible” logo has been adopted by the Local Optical Committee Support Unit


The Local Optical Committee Support Unit (LOCSU) has debuted its new brand at the National Optical Conference (14–15 November, Chesford Grange).

The redesign has seen a shake-up of LOCSU’s website, social media channels and marketing materials by Cream Design.

Describing the new look at the NOC, Cream Design’s Emma Pierce said that the aim was to create a “contemporary, professional and credible” brand.

“This is a more confident logo,” she added.

In redesigning the LOCSU website, Ms Pierce highlighted that the team kept in mind that people would be viewing the site on a range of devices.

She shared that in a recent survey only 9% of people said that a desktop computer was the main way that they accessed the internet.

Close to half of those surveyed favoured a smartphone (48%), while 24% used a laptop and 15% mainly accessed the internet through a tablet.

“I think the direction of travel is pretty clear,” she shared.

“Websites need to work across all sorts of different devices…[for LOCSU] we created a responsive site which means that it does adapt to whatever device it is being viewed on,” Ms Pierce explained.

LOCSU’s head of communications, Chris McGachy, encouraged NOC attendees to increase their focus on local optical committee (LOC) branding.

He suggested appointing dedicated LOC communication officers, making communications a standing item on meeting agendas and refreshing LOC websites.

LOCSU’s new logo and design can be viewed through its website
