
CET changes could take effect from 2020

GOC suggests transition period in 2019, with practitioners required to complete 12 points across the year


The General Optical Council (GOC) has discussed plans to bring forward changes to CET by two years.

A document tabled before the latest GOC meeting (9 May, London) detailed a proposal to move the changes from 2022 to 2020, with 2019 becoming a transitional year.

The paper highlighted that the updated system would link educational requirements to high-level learning outcomes, rather than requiring registrants to do CET in relation to all competencies regardless of their scope of practice.

“The proposed new learning outcomes will cover all aspects of what it means to be an optical professional and therefore do more to promote professional development,” the document noted.

The transition year (2019) would involve practitioners completing 12 points, including six interactive points.

There is no requirement to complete a peer review as part of this, however practitioners will be encouraged to do so.

An initial consultation on the approach will take place alongside the Education Strategic Review in June and July, with a final consultation on proposals to take place between October and December.

GOC councillor, Josie Forte, highlighted during the meeting that the transition from CET to CPD is something that the optical sector has been moving towards for some time.

She noted that there may be challenges for some people during the transition year of 2019.

“As much as 12 points seems like a small number, it’s something that we need to bear in mind,” Ms Forte commented.

Fellow councillor, Glenn Tomison, said that he remembered when the current CET system was first introduced and highlighted that it was originally intended as a starting point.

“It was a way of getting agreement – CPD was seen as a step too far,” he shared.

“The plan was to move towards self-development but it has just taken rather longer than was thought at the time,” Mr Tomison observed. 
