
Keep your eyes peeled

An inventive dry eye solution stimulates the production of tears in a similar way to cutting an onion


New research has highlighted the effectiveness of a handheld neurostimulator device in treating dry eye.

Similar to the eye-watering task of chopping an onion, the device stimulates the production of tears.

However, instead of the chemical compound that prompts tears when dicing onions, the TrueTear device uses nasal stimulation.


The Cincinnati Eye Institute found that when 97 patients with moderate to severe dry eye used the device for 180 days the patients’ tear levels were significantly higher after using TrueTear.

The device provides a drug-free alternative to lubricating eye drops and topical ointments.

Research on the device was presented at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Ophthalmology (New Orleans, 11-14 November).