
58-year-old patient with double vision diagnosed with COVID-19

BMJ Case Reports authors have described their treatment of an undiagnosed diabetic who presented with vertical diplopia and abnormal eye movement

COVID-19 virus
Pixabay/Gerd Altmann
A 58-year-old man who presented with double vision and abnormal eye movement was later diagnosed with COVID-19.

The case is described by clinicians in BMJ Case Reports, with the authors highlighting that neuro-ophthalmic symptoms may be the only manifestation of COVID-19. 

The patient presented to hospital after suffering from vertical diplopia for 10 days.

An examination of extraocular movement indicated internuclear ophthalmoplegia.

Further testing revealed the patient had COVID-19 and previously undiagnosed diabetes.

Following treatment, a four-week follow up appointment revealed that the patient was free of diplopia and his eye movements were back to normal. He returned a negative COVID-19 test.

The authors highlighted: “Neuro-ophthalmic manifestations in COVID-19 are increasingly being recognised around the world.”

Scientists have previously described the discovery of eye nodules in patients with a history of severe COVID-19.

The findings published in Radiology described how nine patients within a group of 129 had one or more hyperintense nodules in the posterior pole of the globe.