
Roy Stoner appointed chairman of Optical Suppliers Association

Andy Yorke, Stuart Burn and Andy Hepworth receive OSA honorary life membership following the annual general meeting


Roy Stoner was appointed chairman of the Optical Suppliers Association (OSA) at a luncheon following the annual general meeting (AGM) on 2 December (The Bloomsbury Hotel, London). He takes on the role from former chair, Andy Hepworth.

At the event, Andy Yorke, Stuart Burn and Hepworth were recognised with OSA honorary life membership.

At the AGM, Hepworth highlighted the valuable role that the OSA plays in “empowering the profession.”

“It sums up everything that we are about, with every aspect of the supply chain represented by OSA members, and an open forum where we can learn more about the challenges within other aspects of optics, beyond our own sector,” he said.

Clockwise from left, Andrew Yorke, Roy Stoner, Stuart Burn and Andy Hepworth.
Stoner highlighted that the meeting of the OSA illustrated a sense of unity within optics.

“There is a strong sense of collective dedication and time given freely. OSA members have an unrivalled source of knowledge, support and camaraderie,” he said.

Stoner paid tribute to the three new honorary life members of the OSA.

“Andy Yorke had been an important contributor to UK optics, particularly within the technology and diagnostic sector; Andy Hepworth, an expert within the lens sector and Stuart Burn, finance – you have all served as chairmen and given so much of your own time and experience for the sector,” he said.

At the meeting, James Conway was also recognised for his longstanding contribution to the OSA, and his input on the OSA Green Charter.

The next meeting of the OSA will take place on 3 April, 2023.

Lead image: new OSA chairman, Roy Stoner, left, with former OSA chairman, Andy Hepworth.
