
GOC registration renewal period open

The renewal process will include an additional question around how registrants would consent to receive statutory notices

A person is sat at a desk, using a laptop – the photo is taken from over their shoulder towards the laptop screen

The General Optical Council (GOC) registration renewal period has opened for 2024–25, with registrants asked to indicate their consent to receive statutory notices by email.

Registrations must be renewed by 15 March 2024.

An additional question has been included in the renewal process at step six on statutory notices, the regulator has highlighted.

Statutory notices are issued as part of GOC registration and fitness to practise processes. The GOC is required by law to send statutory notices in paper form, unless it has consent from the registrant to receive these by email.

In an eBulletin to registrants, the GOC shared: “To help us communicate more efficiently and reduce overheads, we are seeking your consent to receive all statutory notices by email.”

Registrants who would like to consent to receiving statutory notices by email should select ‘Yes’ when required, while those who would prefer to receive statutory notices by both letter and email should indicate ‘No.’

The AOP has acknowledged concerns expressed by members around the intention to serve statutory notices by email and has published advice to support members to make an informed decision.

Registrants should apply for renewal through their MyGOC account by 15 March 2024. The fee for the 2024–25 period is £405.

Registrants with a total gross income of less than £16,000 per year are eligible for the low-income fee which, for the 2024-25 period, is £285.

The low-income fee must be applied for ahead of completing registration renewal.

Find out how other healthcare regulators deliver statutory notices in OT’s December report.
