
CET claims paid

Capita says that all claims that were received on time containing the correct information have now been paid

Paper stack

All CET grant claims that were received by Primary Care Support England (PCSE) by the deadline, and that contained all of the information required, have now been paid, according to Capita.

The payments were completed at the end of January, with the exception of “a small number” of claims for which PCSE has contacted the contractors directly seeking the further information that is required to process the claim.

Contractors who are yet to receive a CET grant payment are urged to email [email protected] with the heading “Unpaid CET claim” alongside the optometrist’s name and GOC number in the subject line. The date that the claim was submitted and whether it was sent by email or post should also be included in the email.

The AOP’s professional advisor, Henry Leonard, confirmed: “We have been advised by PSCE that all payments have now been made to contractors where the full and correct information was submitted.”

He encouraged any practitioners who are yet to receive the grant to speak to their contractor and ask them to check if the payment has been made. 
