
AOP launches HOAC online 2021

The conference for hospital optometrists returns as a one-day online event in September

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Pexels/Andrew Neel

The AOP has launched a day of education for hospital optometrists, bringing together eye care professionals for a series of interactive lectures and peer discussions.

The Hospital Optometrists Annual Conference (HOAC), hosted by the AOP, will be held as a virtual one-day event on Saturday 25 September. Contact lens manufacturers, Menicon and No7 Contact Lenses are sponsoring the event.

Running from 10am to 4pm, the event will be delivered online for the second time with Dr Ian Beasley, AOP head of education and OT clinical editor, commenting: “One of the key considerations for the sector right now is how we deliver events and training like this one, safely. So being able to run it virtually, without losing the essence of this important conference as a live event, is a real win.” 

Beasley told OT: “The key themes have been agreed and commissioned by the AOP’s hospital optometrists committee to ensure the content meets the needs of the key target audience.”

The programme will include four lectures and two peer discussions, with lecture topics covering ocular oncology, new perspectives on glaucoma, ophthalmic emergencies and the use of artificial intelligence to predict disease from ocular images. Tailored peer discussions will be available for optometrists and therapeutic prescribers. Each lecture will offer one interactive CET point for optometrists.

Speaking of the event, Beasley said: “In the absence of face-to-face education, the online delivery of HOAC provides an opportunity to bring the community of hospital optometrists together from the comfort of their own homes to learn and share insight through the interactive sessions on offer.”

The lecture sessions are also open to optometrists practising in other settings, Beasley confirmed, which he suggested will allow for optometrists “to earn CET and broaden their scope of understanding of secondary care patient management.”

More details about the event and information on how to register can be found on the AOP’s events page.