
AOP to host second COVID-19 webinar

The webinar will be led by optometrist and AOP clinical director, Dr Peter Hampson, tomorrow

Lady listening to webinar

The AOP will host a CET-accredited webinar to advise members on how to practise safely during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic tomorrow (9 April).

To be held between 6.30–7.30pm, and led by optometrist and AOP clinical director, Dr Peter Hampson, the webinar will explore: ensuring that records are maintained appropriately when undertaking patient consultations remotely; ensuring that a safe clinical environment is provided for patients and practitioners; and ensuring that services delivered are for emergencies or to meet the essential needs of patients.

Time for a live question and answer session will be provided at the end of the webinar. Members are invited to submit their questions in advance by 5pm today (8 April).

It will be the second webinar to be run by the AOP on COVID-19, with the first hosted last Thursday (2 April) and attended by more than 1200 members.

During last week’s webinar, which can be watched in full online, Dr Peter Hampson, received 419 questions from optometrists about what the pandemic means for the profession, practices and individuals.

To read a selection of those questions and the answers, visit OT’s daily rolling optics-related coverage on COVID-19.  

To register for tomorrow’s webinar, click here

To submit a question, email the AOP’s events team including your name and membership number. 

OT endeavours to keep the most up-to-date news on our website and this information was correct when published. However, the situation regarding COVID-19 is rapidly evolving. Please check OT’s rolling optics-specific coverage for the latest news and guidance on COVID-19.