
Reducing workplace stress

The AOP's head of education, Dr Ian Beasley, talks about the Association's first webinar, which will take place next month

AOP head of education, Ian Beasley

The AOP is launching its first webinar in October. What drove the decision? 

The AOP recognises the need to cater for the different learning preferences of practitioners, both in terms of the type of content and also the style of delivery.

Use of the webinar platform allows the AOP to engage with a broad range of practitioners at a time when they are free from the pressures of a busy clinic.

This first webinar will be accessible to AOP members, as well as the wider profession. The AOP will build upon the delivery of webinars, with further professional development content to follow in 2017.

What will the webinar cover? 

The AOP’s first webinar will explore a frequently raised topic within the profession – work-related stress. There are common themes around this subject, which crop up in conversations amongst colleagues, appear on professional discussion forums, and arrive in the AOP’s email inbox. The commercial pressures felt by practitioners on a day-to-day basis appears to be the most common theme in these conversations and concerns about the impact this may have on the clinical care delivered to patients.

The webinar will consider ways to identify and manage stress triggers and explore ways to improve work-life balance.

What do you like about the webinar platform? 

The AOP feels it is important that practitioners have a voice, allowing them to share their concerns on work-related stress. A key feature of the webinar is the chat box area, which provides an opportunity for delegates to contribute to the discussion by sharing concerns and anxieties with their peers in real time. At the point of registration, delegates can elect to use a pseudonym to protect their anonymity while participating in the chat box area. The webinar facilitator will draw upon the live chat box contributions to drive further discussion, making it a truly interactive experience for participants.

How do delegates sign up? 

Delegates can sign up to the webinar by registering online. The webinar will broadcast live on Thursday 13 October at 8pm.