
More education offered

Delegates at the AOP’s therapeutics conference will gain access to an additional online education offering

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Practitioners attending the AOP’s Therapeutics London conference will be given access to additional online education for a 12-month period.

Delegates will receive an annual subscription to SECO University when attending the conference, hosted at London’s Holiday Inn Bloomsbury on 25–26 September. Valid from October 2016–2017, the free educational resource features COPE-accredited education, multimedia posters, podcasts and much more.

Therapeutics London was launched in 2013 and is hosted annually in partnership with SECO International.

Sessions during the event will have more than 20 general interactive CET points available, with lectures designed to be of interest to all optometrists, particularly those considering therapeutics or currently undertaking the qualification. The conference will also feature a specialist peer discussion session.

A range of interactive workshops will also feature during the programme, including punctum plug fitting, a live demo of a practical full dry eye routine, gonioscopy basics, applanation tonometry and OCT and glaucoma.

All sessions are both CET and COPE approved for international delegates considering attending.

Commenting on the conference, past delegate Einear Tunney said that the conference provided “the best education – peer review and interaction sound terrifying in theory, but in practice are the best way to learn.”

For more information visit the AOP events page.