
Media matters

New resources in 2016 from the AOP are designed to help members engage with patients and promote the importance of the eye health message, explains Anne Grenyer

Anne Grenyer

In our world of big data, updates about the billions of images and videos being uploaded and shared around the globe in the blink of an eye can be baffling. The challenge for us all with any public-facing messages is how to cut through the noise.

I read recently that Instagram reached 400 million users last year, with more than 80 million photos shared by users each day. I’ve always been interested in the power of images and how they are used to best effect. The AOP members’ image library has proved very popular over the years, with a range of pictures that can be used on websites and in practice marketing materials.

I was delighted to see these images in use on a member’s practice website recently, including our new Make your eye health your New Year’s resolution poster. This poster – along with our new Show your eyes some love design – is part of a new range of resources the AOP is developing this year to help promote optometry and eye health in the local community.

"New resources in our 'For patients' section of the website include leaflets Who's who in your optical practice and Top tips for healthy eyes, plus an animated video and leaflet, explaining what to expect from a sight test"

Promoting eye health

AOP member from York, David Dowley, said: “I’ve found the image library useful when developing our website. The new poster has pride of place in our window, we added it to our website – it’s nice to promote eye health rather than just prices for a change. Let’s hope the AOP continues to develop this type of help because I’ve been impressed so far and made full use of the support.”

AOP member from Perth, Archie Robertson (pictured right), said: “We are using our AOP media resources to make contact with new patients, using the enlarged poster A1 size. Also, in the spirit of best presentation, it has inspired me to install a set of window spotlights to do it justice – plus using the image as a New Year’s card cover or as an insert in a reminder or as a re-reminder for lapsed attendees.”

Other new resources in our ‘For patients’ section of the AOP website include a Top tips for healthy eyes leaflet, and a video explaining what to expect from a sight test.

According to the Harvard Business Review, people remember only 20% of what they hear, 30% of what they see, but an incredible 70% of what they hear and see.

With that in mind, we’ll be building on our video resources this year to help promote eye health and optometry. We also have a new eye care blogs section on topical patient issues, which has proved popular on social media. Recent updates include the horrors of what may be lurking on a mascara brush, cosmetic lenses and the secret to a New Year’s resolution. If you’re looking for topical updates to send on to patients, remember to follow us on social media so you can share these stories. Is there something you’d like us to address in a blog? We’re happy to hear from members on any topics you’d like us to cover, as well as those keen to write a guest blog.