
Eastenders covers sight loss in new storyline

The primetime BBC soap is currently sharing the story of Dot Cotton as she struggles with sight loss

Eastenders Albert Square sign

The BBC soap Eastenders is currently tackling a storyline that sees iconic character Dot Cotton struggling with her sight.

The story is close to the actress June Brown’s heart, as she is currently going through the same situation in real life.

Last year, Ms Brown, who has played Dot since 1985, revealed that her own eyesight was failing, telling Radio 4 at the time: “I see things in my eyes now. My eyes are not very good. In the left occasionally I do get this small circle with what looks like cross-wires. I do pray about my sight – maybe it will return.”

The storyline has been unfolding in recent weeks, with Dot attempting to hide the fact that she is struggling with her vision. However, friend Patrick Truman is convinced that something is wrong and refuses to believe that Dot’s behaviour is due to a dislike for Halloween, and presses the pensioner for answers.

Dot finally comes clean about losing her sight, admitting: “I think I’m going blind.” The viewer was then briefly shown the world through Dot’s eyes, with blurred edges around a cloudy area in the centre of her vision.

Image credit: Johnnie Mickel