
Aston University promotes World Antibiotic Awareness Week

Third year optometry students informed members of the public about good contact lens hygiene


Aston University optometry students have raised awareness about the importance of good contact lens hygiene during a World Antibiotic Awareness Week (12–18 November) event at the university.

The World Health Organization campaign runs each November and aims to raise global awareness of the need for best practice to prevent antibiotic resistance.

On Wednesday (14 November), third year optometry students from Aston University promoted contact lens hygiene through a World Antibiotic Awareness Week stall.

Aston University lecturer in optometry, Dr Preeti Bhogal-Bhamra, told OT that the students organised games and awarded prizes to raise awareness of the message.

Dr Bhogal-Bhamra said that a key message they were promoting is the importance of preventing eye infections to reduce the need for antibiotics.

“Prevention is better than a cure,” she shared.

Optometry students asked visitors to the stall to take the antibiotic pledge, where they promise to use antibiotics appropriately and take their doctor’s advice on medical treatments.