
I could not live without…

The ACUVUE for Astigmatism Fitting Calculator

Wolverhampton based optometrist, Hasan Akhtar, shares why the ACUVUE® for Astigmatism Fitting Calculator has become a must-have tool when fitting astigmatic patients

Hasan Akhtar

With so many changes in practice over the last year, having a tool that can help streamline the fitting of contact lenses and improve my patients’ experience has been something that I have truly appreciated.

Recently I have been using the ACUVUE® for Astigmatism Fitting Calculator to more easily fit astigmatic patients with trial contact lenses. Not only is the tool user-friendly, helping to more efficiently fit difficult prescriptions, but it also has some unexpected benefits, such as reducing time spent fitting, and increasing the amount of time I can spend talking to patients about other ways they can improve their eye health.

Ease of Use

To use the ACUVUE® for Astigmatism Fitting Calculator, you simply input your patient’s sphere, cylinder, and axis and then it will recommend the best trial lens options, taking into account back vertex distance. The tool provides options for both daily and monthly lenses, allowing you to refine and search for results based on patient needs and lifestyle. What’s more, the tool will never show you a lens that is unavailable, so you don’t have to check parameter ranges each time.

Since using the calculator, I have been impressed by its level of precision, with most fittings only requiring one or two appointments. This is made even more effective as the calculator tells you how to compensate for lens rotation, should this occur. Of course, we can do this in our own time, but it’s a great added benefit that really streamlines the fitting process.

Having a tool that can help streamline the fitting of contact lenses and improve my patients’ experience has been something that I have truly appreciated


The tool is so user-friendly that, after taking a few details over the phone, suitably trained members of staff without optical knowledge can use the tool to pre-order appropriate lens options for our patients before they even arrive for their appointment. This helps take pressure off ECPs and gives us more time to talk to patients about the wider benefits of contact lenses.

Patient experience

I have noticed the calculator benefitting the overall patient experience as well. By fitting patients with a lens more quickly, for example, they gain confidence in the fitting process.

By using the tool, I have had more time to explain the benefits of contact lenses to my patients and how the lens I am fitting will impact their lives. It gives me more time to discuss what they want out of a contact lens and to manage their expectations on how it might compare to their current eyecare solutions. This helps to address patient needs that would have otherwise potentially gone unaddressed, due to the limited time of a fitting appointment.

I have noticed the calculator benefitting the overall patient experience


The ACUVUE® for Astigmatism Fitting Calculator can also be used to show astigmatic patients how toric contact lenses might be the best option possible for their eyes. Because the tool has recommended a lens based on their personal information and needs, patients often have more confidence in the option, where previously they may have been apprehensive due to the perceived cost.

Waste reduction

Another notable benefit of the ACUVUE® for Astigmatism Fitting Calculator is that it can help reduce waste. Gone are the days of ordering multiple lenses with slightly different degrees to ensure your patient gets the best vision.

Ultimately, I cannot live without the ACUVUE® for Astigmatism Fitting Calculator as it’s an easy to use tool that helps quickly fit astigmatic patients with a contact lens, giving me more time to focus on their patient experience.
