
MiniPAC reminder issued

The clinical training events begin on 4 March in Birmingham

Delegates at Mini PAC event

Specsavers has reminded optometrists, contact lens opticians and dispensing opticians that February is the last chance to book for the first dates of this year's MiniPAC roadshow.

The clinical training events, which are open to all clinicians regardless of the company they work for, start on 4 March in Birmingham and end on 10 May in Bristol, visiting cities such as London, Glasgow and Dublin in between.

The roadshow, which sits alongside the multiple's PAC event in October, offers a total of 16 interactive CET points and six specialist points at every event.

Optometry sessions include referral decision-making, optical coherence tomography for investigation and paediatric cases. Sessions on contact lenses include dry eye, promoting patient compliance and aftercare. Dispensing sessions include varifocal selection and fitting, customers with complex needs, and discussion workshops on paediatric case management and patients with sight loss.

All events will feature the Ascend Higher career workshop for optometrists, which is worth three interactive CET points. Specsavers recommends that the workshop follows on from, or leads into, a performance review in store. 

For further information on the event, visit its website.