
Optical Express supports Scottish children’s appeal

The multiple’s staff man call centre to take donations for four days

Optical Express fundraising

Optical Express has pledged its support to the 2017 STV Children’s Appeal, which aims to raise funds to help children living in poverty in Scotland.

The multiple supported the appeal for a seventh consecutive year by proving a fully-staffed call centre for four days to support donation giving, with all staff involved giving their time for free to man the phones. The appeal culminated with a live TV show hosted by Lorraine Kelly on 3 November.

The team answered over 2000 calls across all four nights, helping to raise a total of £2.6 million.

Optical Express also ran a ‘dress down Friday’ event on the day of the live show, with all staff donating £2 to the charity to take part.

CEO for Optical Express, David Moulsdale, said: “With one in four children and young people living in poverty in Scotland, the funds raised by the STV Children’s Appeal are crucial to help those who need it most.

“Optical Express is honoured to provide our call centre each year to answer the donation calls and I personally couldn’t be more proud of our fantastic staff for offering their personal time each and every year. We hope the money donated will help to make a real difference in the lives of Scotland's children and young people affected by poverty.”