
Louis Stone Optical introduces anti-fogging Volk ClearPods

The product has specially designed features to direct warm currents of air away from the lens


Louis Stone Optical will be introducing anti-fogging Volk ClearPods from March, aiming to address the challenge of fogging lenses in eye examinations.

Louis Stone suggested many professionals and students have been waiting for the products to be introduced in the UK. The company shared: “As facemasks are now commonplace with the current pandemic, the inconvenience of fogging lenses has arrived with it, affecting one's view and majorly slowing down eye examinations.”

Clearpod in use
The Volk ClearPod has been designed to divert warm air away from the lens

The tool has carefully designed wing and flange features to divert warm currents of air away from the lens surface while accommodating the right working distance. The company suggests this gives practitioners “ample time to conduct detailed exams without having to interrupt care.”

The ledge on the inside of the ClearPod is designed to act as a back-stop to guide the lens into the right position, while the shape and fit is designed to allow users to clip the lens, while also enabling a natural grip.

The company has begun taking orders for the anti-fogging Volk ClearPods, with products for the Volk Superfield, 90D, Widefield and 78D due to be in stock from early March.

Clare Gaba, head of marketing and communications at Louis Stone, commented that the response has been “amazing,” adding that within a day of spreading the word, “We have had a number of orders and I have had social media followers stating how much they need them and that they'll be a 'lifesaver' in practice and clinics.”

“The difference in clarity they make is incredible, it is a slick, beautiful product that really speaks for itself,” Ms Gaba added.
