
Optovue expands OCTA technology

Californian manufacturer announces new expansion, AngioAnalytics, to its optical coherence tomography angiography hardware for measuring retinal blood flow

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Optovue has expanded its optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA) technology, which measures retinal blood flow.

The new capability, AngioAnalytics, will reportedly enable clinicians using its AngioVue imaging system to quantify blood flow in the retina enable them to view the density of blood vessels and measure the presence or absence of blood flow. 

Dr Richard Rosen, professor of ophthalmology at the New York Eye and Ear Infirmary said that the addition of AngioAnalytics to OCTA means that “changes to a patient’s retina can be tracked objectively, potentially even before the patient notices significant vision degradation.”

Dr Rosen added: “This capability allows us to optimize treatment in a way that we have not previously been able to do, and may lead to changes in the clinical management of diabetic retinopathy, age-related macular degeneration, and other diseases that cause progressive vision loss.”

The announcement was made at the annual meeting of the European Society for Cataract and Refractive Surgery (ESCRS) in Barcelona last week (5 September).
