
Nikon Lenswear UK supports Sightsavers

A donation campaign will run in participating independent practices to 31 August

A young woman wears an orange tunic with a gold headscarf and bright pink glasses. She sits on stone stairs with a book open in her lap and smiles broadly at the camera
Sightsavers/Jamshyd Masood

Nikon Lenswear UK is supporting Sightsavers with a nationwide donation campaign launching in independent practice partners.

The campaign launched on 1 June and runs to 31 August. It will see Nikon Lenswear UK make a donation on behalf of participating practices for every purchase of a pair of Nikon spectacle lenses with a SeeCoat coating.

The campaign is supported with practice and online communications.

Jill McLellan, managing director of Nikon Lenswear UK, explained that supporting local communities forms one of the core values in the business’ corporate social responsibility mission.

“We are extremely proud to be working with our partners in support of Sightsavers for our 2024 charity campaign, extending our social sustainability commitments and ethos to communities around the world,” she said.

Sightsavers works with governments and partners in Africa and Asia to save and protect sight through initiatives including eye health screenings, cataract surgery and health professional training.

Morna Lane, head of trusts and corporate partnerships at Sightsavers, shared that, globally, 1.1 billion people have an untreated or preventable visual impairment, while more than 90% of people who are blind and 85% of people with a visual impairment live in low and middle income countries.

“By choosing Sightsavers as a charity partner for its summer campaign, Nikon Lenswear UK is showing its commitment to help save and protect sight across Africa and Asia,” Lane added.