
Love your eyes: World Sight Day 2021 theme revealed

In the run up to the October awareness day, the IAPB has revealed a campaign to encourage one million people to pledge to have a sight test

Pexels/Maksim Goncharenok
The International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness (IAPB) has revealed #LoveYourEyes as the theme of World Sight Day 2021, due to be held on 14 October.

Unveiling the theme and supporting materials yesterday (6 July) to mark 100 days until the awareness day, the eye care alliance also introduced an “ambitious” campaign which aims to encourage everyone who is able to book a sight test, screening or exam and emphasises that “everyone counts.”

The organisation hopes to see over one million sight tests ‘pledged’ in the run up to World Sight Day, beginning in September. A video has been produced to outline the theme and plans for the event.

The alliance is calling on individuals, eye care professionals, hospitals, non-governmental organisations and businesses to get involved. IAPB’s World Sight Day webpage explains that individuals will be able to pledge to have their eyes tested or to care for their eyes, while eye care professionals or organisations will be able to pledge all the tests carried out in the month leading up to World Sight Day.

Peter Holland, CEO of IAPB, said: “Almost everyone on the planet will experience an eye health issue in their lifetime, yet more than a billion people worldwide do not have access to eye care services. This is a global issue, but one that starts with us.

“This World Sight Day, 14 October, we are calling on everyone who is able, to book a sight test, an exam, or a screening to check on their wellbeing of their eyes. We are asking people to pledge their tests as part of our Everyone Counts initiative”

On World Sight Day itself, the IAPB will host a global challenge which it suggests will “unite the world, bringing people across the globe together to have their eyes tested.”

The aim of the challenge will be to “remind the world that everyone counts to demonstrate the importance of taking care of our own eye health, and to highlight work still to be done in achieving access to eye care services for everyone.”

More information on the campaign can be found on the IAPB website.
