
Eyewear brand supports Orbis appeal

IOLLA is helping to raise awareness of the charity via its website and social channels

Child in Nepal having her eyes screened
Eyewear brand IOLLA has pledged its support to Orbis UK’s See My Future appeal that aims to help screen and treat children for sight loss in Nepal.

The company will seek to raise awareness of the campaign by promoting its to its customers on its website and through social media.

IOLLA has been supporting Orbis’ work since 2016 and has helped provide over 125 cataract operations.

Orbis aims to raise £850,000 through its See My Future appeal, with the UK Government agreeing to Aid Match every pound up to £2m that is donated between now and 23 June.

Founder of IOLLA, Stefan Hunter, said: “It is important to our values to support sustainable programmes that change lives and Orbis’ crucial work is doing just that. Businesses today have a huge platform and it’s so important that we use that for good.”

Orbis highlighted that a donation of £5.50, which will be doubled by the Government’s Aid Match scheme, could provide two pairs of glasses to children struggling at school due to poor vision.

For more information on the appeal and to make a donation, visit the Orbis website.