
The gift of sight

Vision Aid Overseas launches Christmas appeal

Donations made online to Vision Aid Overseas (VAO) between 28 November and 5 December will be doubled, the charity has confirmed.

The charity’s Christmas appeal seeks donations to help its work in Sierra Leone, where the Vision Centres it supports are the only place where the Eastern province’s 1.6 million people can access affordable eye care and spectacles.

The charity has been selected to take part in the UK’s biggest online match funding campaign, the Big Give Christmas Challenge (28 November–5 December). During the seven-day giving window, VAO has the opportunity to double donations made online.

The donations raised will help the charity on its drive to raise the £75,000 needed to continue its work in Sierra Leone.

Director of programmes at VAO, Anne Buglass, explained: “Despite being rich in natural resources, Sierra Leone is one of the world’s poorest countries with only two qualified optometrists and six Vision Centres in the public sector serving the country’s population of over seven million people.”

She added: “The donations raised will enable VAO to strengthen three Vision Centres in the Eastern Province, provide 10 optometry technicians with training, and support outreach services to the more isolated communities.”

To donate visit The Big Give website