
What could happen in 100 days?

With 100 days left until the end of 2021, what changes could be made in this time?

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As we approach the final quarter of the year, Thursday 23 September marks 100 days until the end of 2021. And what a year it has been so far.

A lot could happen in the next 100 days. This is both an unnerving idea – having navigated the ups and downs (and lockdowns and lifting of restrictions) of the past 18 months, but it could also offer us an opportunity. 100 days feels like just enough time to recommit to any pledges that have fallen by the wayside or make a new change.

With the upcoming October/November edition of OT focused on the future change from CET to CPD and what this will mean for optometrists, it feels like ‘change’ has been filtering into many of my conversations.

This change can seem large; the new CPD system for example, reflecting on the changes we have seen in practice, and marking the roll-out of the booster jab for priority groups in the UK. For students, this period represents their first semester at university, or for some pre-regs, the final exam before qualification (good luck!)

Or it can be on a smaller scale: enough time for a Bake Off winner to be announced (or Strictly, if that’s more your cup of tea), or to trial something new in practice. Perhaps for some members of the public, this week could be an opportunity to make a change in the way they approach their eye health.

Eye care company, Théa, is encouraging the public to recognise the importance of ‘greater eye self-care,’ having released research as part of National Eye Health Week showing that only 9% of people surveyed viewed eye health as a top priority following the pandemic. This compares to a focus on becoming more active (34%), healthy eating (29%) and losing weight (25%). 

Last week, OT’s Lucy Miller shared some of the ways practices and organisations are participating in the campaign, and there is still time to join in: Friday will see a social media campaign #FrEyeday, highlighting why vision matters. 

A few changes are also arriving for OT – you might have seen an email about OT’s new job listing service that enables AOP members to list job vacancies for free. The team has also launched a CET chatbot, providing answers to common queries relating to the CET on offer through OT. Why not give it a try?  

And over the next few weeks, the OT team will begin to plan for the next issue. With a focus on triage, we will be considering changes and projects in this area. If you have a story to share about how you’ve adapted triage in the past 18 months, or any plans for a new system, get in touch! 

So, what will the next 100 days hold for you?

OT  asks...

In your view, how has public awareness of eye health changed following the pandemic?
  • Less awareness

    3 13%
  • About the same

    18 81%
  • Greater awareness

    1 4%
