
Putting pen to paper

While responding to the guidance surrounding the outbreak of coronavirus, OT  is aiming to bring readers optics-specific coverage

Pexels/brotiN biswaS

Every once in a while a story builds in the newsroom and takes over the planned schedule. Over the past few weeks, the situation around coronavirus (COVID-19) has developed fast and every day we are digesting a new announcement, updating guidance and reflecting on the impact this challenging time could have on the sector.

As with any issue of the scale we’re seeing with COVID-19, there are challenges in how we decide to approach and report on the issue. We want to provide readers with the latest information in a measured way, whilst not contributing to already high levels of stress and anxiety.

Angela Giuffrida, Rome correspondent for The Guardian, summarised this well when she explained how in a short period of time she has gone from “writing about Italy’s coronavirus outbreak…to living it,” and also described the “huge sense of responsibility” she feels to report this situation correctly.

At OT, the team has been working hard to bring you informative and helpful coverage of the outbreak, covering the areas that affect AOP members the most. So far we’ve touched on the impacts to business, government support measures, and AOP guidance, and there will be more to come.

We’re also creating a page of rolling optics-specific coverage where you can find brief summaries and links to the latest news and guidance on COVID-19.

In light of the Government guidance to work from home where possible, the OT team is now set up remotely and are logged in to ensure we can continue to bring you the latest updates.

This is your journal and we want to ensure we are covering the areas that truly matter the most to you. If you have stories to share, concerns or ways this outbreak is impacting you – please get in touch via email. With your help we can continue to refine the immense amount of information into optics-specific news.

Practitioners can also access the latest updates and FAQs from the AOP on its website
