
Wellbeing webinar: Eat. Sleep. Refract. Repeat



Interactive CPD points: 0

Prices from: Free to members and non-members Book or join now to attend this event Interactive CPD points approved: 0

Take a moment to think about what you had for dinner last night. Leftovers? Takeaway? Maybe you rustled something up from scratch.

Next, try and recall the details. What did you eat first? What did you savour until the end? What time did you eat? How long did it take you to finish? What did you drink? Did you have a pudding? A late-night snack? What had you done beforehand? How about afterwards? What time did you go to bed? Do you even care?

But what if you knew that all of those teeny decisions affect every single aspect of your life: from the size of your clothes; to your mood; energy levels; the ability to concentrate and perform tasks; your sleep quality; risk of disease; and even how long you’ll live.

This webinar will explore how making simple lifestyle adjustments to three key ‘pillars’ – sleep, nutrition and exercise – can deliver significant long-term benefits to both physical and mental wellbeing.

The session is free and open for practitioners and the wider practice team to attend.

7.00PM - 8.00PM

  • Wellbeing webinar: Eat. Sleep. Refract. Repeat

Dr Ian Beasley

Ian BeasleyIan is clinical editor of Optometry Today where he is responsible for commissioning the clinical content for the journal, and head of education for the AOP, overseeing the content delivery for the Association's events portfolio.

He is also a visiting lecturer at Aston University where he completed his undergraduate optometry degree, a professional doctorate, and a PhD. He is also a qualified nutrition coach.

Prices from: Free to members and non-members Book or join now to attend this event Interactive CPD points approved: 0