
Myopia matters



Where: Royal National Hotel, 38-51 Bedford Way, London WC1H 0DG

Interactive CPD points: 6

This evening of education is delivered in partnership with CooperVision.

Delegates will enhance and consolidate their knowledge of myopia with a discussion workshop led by CooperVision followed a peer review run by the AOP.

The discussion workshop will consider the ocular health of a myope in his mid-forties and discusses how we could have intervened with today’s knowledge when he was a child, and what effect that could have had on his risk of developing myopia-related eye disease.

Please note: This session was also delivered at 100% Optical 2024 and will cover the same cases. Delegates who have already participated in this session will only be eligible for the CPD points once.

Learning outcomes

  • An understanding of myopia development and the risks associated with increasing myopia, and can balance those risks against the risks of management
  • An understanding of the evidence-base behind a range of options for myopia management, knows how to incorporate myopia management into clinical practice and at what stage to intervene
  • An understanding of the strategies for advising young patients and their parents on myopia development and management at various stages of myopia including pre-myopia
  • An understanding of the need for valid consent.

The peer review session will present delegates with several myopia-themed clinical scenarios to discuss and digest with colleagues.

Learning outcomes

  • Practitioners will understand different approaches for managing myopia in children
  • Practitioners will understand the importance of maintaining good records when advising patients on myopia management options.


6.30PM - 7.00PM

  • Registration and buffet

7.00PM - 7.05PM

  • Opening remarks

7.05PM - 8.05PM

  • 3 points

    Discussion workshop: A desire to time travel

    CPD ref no: C-106846


    Practitioner type:


8.05PM - 8.15PM

  • Refreshment break

8.15PM - 9.15PM

  • 3 points

    Peer review: Managing children with myopia in 2024

    CPD ref no: C-108626


    Practitioner type:


9.15PM - 9.20PM

  • Closing remarks

Nicky Latham

Nicky LathamNicky qualified as an optometrist in 1990 and completed an MSc in children’s vision and contact lenses in 1995. She has worked in a number of practices in the multiple sector, as well as delivering training across all optical job roles.

Nicky was previously a clinical governance optometrist before moving into a professional services role where she was responsible for writing clinical policy and supporting with clinical complaints.

She moved to CooperVision in 2023 as the professional affairs lead for myopia management and is currently working towards a certificate in the principles of myopia management.


Dr Ian Beasley

Ian BeasleyIan is the clinical editor for Optometry Today and head of education for the AOP. He began his career as an optical technician and later went on to train as a dispensing optician before qualifying as an optometrist in 1997.

In 2013, Ian became the first person in the UK to graduate with a doctorate in optometry from Aston University. He is a visiting lecturer at Aston University, where he also completed a PhD, which explored the effect of peripheral defocus on axial growth and modulation of refractive error in hyperopes.

He received a fellowship from the College of Optometrists in 2023.