
MAYopia Day - Session 7 - Webinar: Seeing eye to eye – understanding public knowledge and interest in myopia



Where: online

Interactive CPD points: 1

Optometry Today (OT), in partnership with the AOP and CooperVision as headline sponsor, are pleased to host a day of myopia-themed education.

The event offers a full day of online sessions delivered by experts from the UK and further afield providing key insights on the contemporary management of myopia in clinical practice.

The programme has seven live webinars, each offering one interactive CPD point. Delegates are invited to attend the full programme or choose individual sessions based upon their clinical interests.

Please note: You will not be eligible for CPD if you dial in to audio only using a phone

Session 1: The return of the myope - Book now
Session 2: Evidence-based myopia management practice - Book now
Session 3: Communication as a tool for success in myopia management - Book now
Session 4: Assessing efficacy in myopia control - Book now
Session 5: Putting myopia management into practice - Book now
Session 6: Ortho-k fitting in the cloud - Book now
Session 7: Seeing eye to eye – understanding public knowledge and interest in myopia - Book below

Webinar: Seeing eye to eye – understanding public knowledge and interest in myopia

This lecture will consider the topic of health communication, specifically current research evidence in public messaging and knowledge with respect to myopia and how eye care practitioners, policy makers, and the wider industry might adapt their approach.  

Learning outcomes 

  • Practitioners will identify how they can adapt their approach to ensure effective communication on the topic of myopia 
  • Practitioners will consolidate their knowledge on current research evidence in public messaging and knowledge with respect to myopia. 

5.00PM - 6.00PM

  • 1 point

    Webinar: Seeing eye to eye – understanding public knowledge and interest in myopia

    CPD ref no: 108336


    Practitioner type:


Dr Manbir Nagra

Manbir NagraManbir is an independent consultant within the optical sector with a background in optometric research and education. She is also clinical editor for Optician magazine and current programme lead for the BCLA’s myopia management certificate. Manbir holds a PhD in myopia, a master’s degree in academic practice and is a fellow of the American Academy of Optometry.