
MAYopia Day - Webinar 1 - Myopia: putting the evidence-base into practice



Interactive CPD points: 1

In recent years, myopia has become an area of practice where clinicians have the opportunity to not only correct, but also influence the progression of myopia and improve clinical outcomes for their patients. With a rapidly changing evidence base and an ever-growing portfolio of clinical solutions available, it is important that practitioners are updated on the latest developments in the field and incorporate myopia management tools within their skillset.

This event offers a full day of education on the theme myopia management designed to bring the profession together to hear from experts and share learnings in this key clinical area. The programme will deliver five live webinars, each offering one interactive CPD point. Delegates are invited to attend the full programme or choose individual sessions based upon their clinical interests.

Session one: Myopia: putting the evidence-base into practice

Myopia and myopia management is one of the most searched for topics in optometry and is also one of the fastest evolving areas when it comes to available ways of intervening with new products becoming licensed to help slow the progression of myopia. So, how do we as eye care professionals (ECPs) in practice wade through all of the information available to adapt to this ever-changing area of patient care? Evidence-based practice is defined as the ‘conscientious, explicit and judicious use of current best evidence in making decisions about the care of individual patients.’ It integrates best available and clinically relevant scientific research evidence with a clinician’s expertise and an individual patient’s values and environment.

This session will look at recent and more longstanding evidence-based research and statements which are making management of myopia a standard of care for ECPs and how that evidence base demonstrates why myopia management is so important as well and how it can be used to help achieve the best outcome for patients.


  • This webinar is approved for 1 interactive CPD point
  • To be eligible for the CPD point you need to attend for the duration of the session

Technical requirements

  • The webinar will take place using Zoom
  • We recommend that you use a computer or tablet device to join this webinar

9.30AM - 10.30AM

  • 1 point

    Myopia: putting the evidence-base into practice

    CPD ref no: C-101913


    Practitioner type:


Professor Nicola Logan

nicolaloganNicola Logan is a professor of optometry and director of research for the Optometry and Vision Science Research Group, School of Optometry, Aston University, Birmingham, UK. Nicola is also an educator in optometry at both undergraduate and postgraduate level in the field of paediatric optometry and myopia. Nicola’s research interests are the epidemiology of refractive error, the development and aetiology of myopia and myopia control. Her current research projects span these areas of interest and include clinical trials in myopia control and risk factors for progression of myopia in children with supporting peer-reviewed publications in all of these areas. Nicola leads an active myopia clinic at Aston University alongside her myopia research clinics and labs and she collaborates with other researchers working in the field of myopia as part of the Myopia Consortium UK and internationally as a taskforce chair and ambassador for the International Myopia Institute.

GOC - optometrists/CPD provider   GOC - Contact lens optician/CPD provider   GOC dispensing opticians / CPD provider

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Learning outcomes

  • Practitioners will be able to communicate with patients about myopia management options
  • Practitioners will be updated on evidence-based interventions for myopia management


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