
Webinar: Anti-scarring therapies for ocular fibrosis



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In this webinar, we'll hear from Dr Lisa Hill, who will explain how scarring can lead to corneal disease and glaucoma. Dr Hill will detail the development of drugs that can prevent scarring as well as novel biomaterials to deliver these drugs to the eye.

Dr Lis Hill

Dr Lisa Hill is a lecturer based within the Institute of Clinical Sciences at the University of Birmingham. Lisa has a background in neuroscience and obtained her PhD at the University of Birmingham in 2015. Her PhD research investigated the role of cytokines and growth factors associated with ocular scarring diseases. She currently works in the fields of translational neuroscience and ophthalmology and has a particular interest in ocular scarring diseases and ocular drug delivery. Lisa has current collaborative projects with the University of Melbourne, the University of California Irvine, Queen’s University Belfast, Aston University and Moorfields Eye Hospital as well as international industrial partners.