
Legal case studies

Find out how our in-house legal team has assisted members with legal advice and representation

Optometrist on the phone

These case studies are based on real member experiences. They provide valuable points of learning from varied situations and illustrate how we offer expert assistance to our members when they need it most.

Student member case studies

generic maleStudent refused GOC registration
First year optometry student, Sulyman's story

generic female

Student appeals release from course after failing exams
Undergraduate optometrist, Amira’s story

generic female Student optometrist referred to university's fitness to practise committee
Student optometrist, Yasmin's story

generic female Appeal against a GOC decision to refuse a student admission
Student member, Rupa's story


Pre-reg case studies

generic maleAppeal against GOC for refusing a member’s request to be restored to the Register after failure to renew
Pre-registration optometrist member, Jason's story

generic maleGOC investigation into failure to screen patients and falsifying patient records
Pre-registration optometrist member, Craig's story

generic maleAppeal against GOC for refusing restoration to the GOC register
Pre-registration optometrist member, Alex's story

Newly qualified member case studies

generic female

Employment law advice regarding a pre-reg contract change after furlough
Newly qualified optometrist, Helena’s story

generic male

Pre-reg supported during GOC fitness to practise hearing, after manager told him to see patients unsupervised
Now newly qualified optometrist, Sunni's story

generic male

College investigation of a pre-reg for falsifying certificate
Newly qualified optometrist, Jay's story

Locum member case studies

generic maleLegal advice and a quick result for a locum chasing unpaid invoices
Locum optometrist member, Hamza’s story

generic female GOC fitness to practise hearing - Defending a member against an allegation of dishonesty
Locum optometrist, Julie's story

generic male

Locum supported during investigation of social media videos
Locum optometrist, Ahmed’s story

Employment law case studies

generic male

Support for member diagnosed with a neurological condition
Optometrist, James' story

generic female

Flexible working request around childcare arrangements
Resident optometrist, Sayeeda’s story

generic male

Employment support during a workplace restructure
University lecturer and optometry teacher, Jack's story

generic maleSupport for a business owner with staff on long-term sickness absence
Business owner, Graham’s story

Patient complaint case studies

generic maleLocum receives letter from a patients solicitor alleging delays in diagnosis and treatment
Optometrist, Tim's story

generic female A patient complaint - failure to identify signs of glaucoma
Optometrist, Anna's story

generic male

Allegation of failure to obtain consent involving a vulnerable patient
Optometrist, James' story

GOC investigation case studies

generic male

GOC investigation into misconduct
AOP member, George's story

generic female GOC fitness to practise hearing, defending a member against an allegation of misconduct
Registered optometrist, Mary's story

Business owner and employer member case studies

generic maleSupport for a business owner with staff on long-term sickness absence
Business owner, Graham’s story

generic maleEmployer support during redundancy process
Practice owner, Philip’s story

generic female

Employer accused of unfair dismissal and discrimination
Employer, Kate’s story

generic male

Complaint against a practice owner
Practice owner, Paul's story

generic male

Patient complaint about their prescription
Practice owner, Paul’s story

How to contact the legal team

  • Email the legal team on [email protected]
  • Telephone 020 7549 2020
    (Please note, this number goes through to a voicemail system. After leaving your details, a member of the legal team will call you back within one working day)