
Our Board

Our Board sets the strategic direction of the organisation

Emma Jane Spofforth, chairman

Members of the Board oversee the running of the organisation. They deal with issues as they arise and respond to challenges faced by our members. Our Board consists of nine members, five are Council members, one is an appointed optometrist member, one is a past chairman and there are two lay members.

The Board’s responsibilities include:

  • Ensuring that our finances are managed properly
  • Taking a long-term view in setting our strategy
  • Overseeing and managing the work of our committees
  • Appointing members to work on particular projects
  • Appointing the chief executive of the AOP, Adam Sampson
  • Working with our chief executive and the executive team to ensure effective implementation of our work
  • Setting membership fees.

Board Members

Emma Jane Spofforth, chairman

Elected by AOP Council

Emma Spofforth

Julie Anne-Little, past chairman

Dr Julie-Anne Little

Andrew Herbert

Lay member

Andrew Herbert

Rachel Hiscox

Elected by AOP Council

Rachel Hiscox

Paul O'Connor

Lay member

Nizz Sabir

Elected by AOP Council

Nizz Sabir

Paul Chapman-Hatchett

Elected by AOP Council

Paul Chapman-Hatchett

Ankur Trivedi

Elected by AOP Council

Ankur Trivendi

David Whitaker

Appointed from wider membership

David Whitaker